More than Half of US Large & Medium-sized Enterprises are, or Plan to Be, in the Cloud
According to our recent research, most medium and large enterprises are migrating to cloud computing. About 33% of the sample is a current user and additional 8% are piloting it.
This group, known as Cloud Pioneers, is not composed of a group of just SaaS users, either. To be considered a Cloud user, an enterprise had to be testing or using a Cloud model other than SaaS. This included any kind of private or public cloud, be it Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) or Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). Furthermore, they also had to actually have people working on it. Another 16.8% are planning for Cloud. This group is aptly called the Cloud Planners. The remaining 42.1% are the Cloud Stragglers, those organizations with no current Cloud plans.
Source: WaveLength Market Analytics/Winn, Five Key Themes, May 2011