7 Blog Writing Guidelines to Deliver Demand
4 Minute Read Time
When it comes to effective marketing strategies, it’s cliche, but content really is king. You can have the most mind-blowing insights and use the fanciest cutting-edge MarTech tools, but if your content does not inspire… so goes your strategy. We didn’t make the rules, guys. That’s just how it is. The key is to create compelling, high-quality content that keeps your target audience smashing that “share” button – and coming back for more. So with that in mind, what are the blog ground rules for churning out that viral-ready, immersive content? Read on for blog writing guidelines that deliver demand. Create blogs that are irresistibly interesting – each and every time.
1. Know Your Audience
Whether you’re imparting wisdom to fellow content creators, or sharing perspective on new tech with small business owners, you’ve got to know your crowd. Get smart about your targets. And you’ve got to know their personas. This is one of the fundamental blog writing guidelines no matter what you market and sell.
It’s often challenging to address multiple audiences without losing something in translation. One person may be less interested in what you have to say than the next reader, depending on if your content is relevant to their demographic. Whose needs are you filling with your content? Whose burning questions are being answered?
Fortunately, keeping even a basic understanding of these different perspectives can make all the difference.
2. Hone in on Audience Cares and Concerns
Now that you’ve got your audience, it’s time to zero in on their interests.
Put yourself in their shoes. What would be most useful to you, if you were the intended audience? Data analysts might enjoy reading about the exciting world of graphic design fundamentals, for example. But if you don’t steer the subject towards something more relevant to their immediate needs, you’re probably not going to turn their heads. Never fear. Sometimes all you need is a change in perspective.
Even if the subject of your content doesn’t seem to immediately fill your audience’s void, consider changing your angle.
Maybe data analysis doesn’t seem to have a connection to graphic design – that is, until it’s time to crank out pie charts. Data visualization, anybody?
Here is one of the important blog writing guidelines: the trick is to find the common ground between your audience and your subject. Provide commentary on important community news. Answer the questions that your prospects are asking. Make your points relevant to the interests of your audience – and, above all, useful.
3. Write What You Know
Think of your audience as a series of conscious B.S. detectors. If you’re writing from an inauthentic place, they’ll know. Best case, you’ll bore them. Worst case, your content loses credibility all around.
You don’t have to be an expert to write great content. Write what you’re passionate about, but don’t be afraid to explore new topics. It’s hard to write useful, engaging content from a disinterested perspective. So don’t!
4. Use Your Own Insights
Of all blog writing guidelines, this one is critical. Come up with your own data and insights. It’s a great way to stand out. No small feat, considering how much content is churned out on the web daily. There are lots of ways to come up with data and your own insights and proprietary data, now’s the time for them to shine. Use your own insights and data to communicate new knowledge. By sharing self-sourced intelligence and perspective, you’re adding value to the content, backing up your own points, and increasing your brand’s influencer status.
What’s not to love?
5. Don’t Overdo Self-promotion
That having been said: don’t be over-promotional. This is another of the more important guidelines for writing blogs. Everybody likes to toot their own horn once in a while, but your audience probably wouldn’t want to listen to a constant commercial.
While there’s nothing wrong with addressing a brand-related concern, or presenting your brand as a solution to a problem, the majority of your content should be accessible to everyone. Not every post should be describing your product or company as being the answer to life, the universe, and everything.
At the end of the day, your compelling, well-written content should be promoting you – because it’s so good and so useful. Quality speaks for itself. So does desperate self-promo. Figure out where the line is, and don’t cross it.
6. Cross-link to Related Content
Whether it’s to source a quote, expand on a data graphic, or back up relevant data/proof points, cross-links are a must.
Cross-linking enhances your content by:
- Giving your audience access to further resources
- Lending credibility to your perspectives
- Enhancing that sweet, sweet SEO
Doing research? Why not let your audience in on some of your sources by directly linking to them? Or, how about linking to the full version of that super interesting case study you’re discussing? No matter what your subject, there are always options for cross-linking.
7. Embrace the Editing Process
Content first, SEO second. Editing third. In that order.
You can have keywords all over the place, but if your content isn’t well-written or engaging, you might as well “lorem ipsum” the post and call it a day. Let your rough draft be as rough as they come.
The important thing is to get your thoughts and major points out in the draft. Once you’ve followed all of the other guidelines – figuring out your audience, honing in on their interests, and so on – then you can perfect the post. If you find yourself stuck elaborating on a certain point, stop. Just move on to the next point. This way, you keep momentum. You or a colleague will be editing it later anyway (yes, editing is a blog writers best friend). Keywords and phrases for SEO can always be swapped in and out, once the draft is completed.
Summing Up Blog Writing Guidelines that Deliver Demand
The Internet is full of mediocre, lazy content. Chances are pretty good that whatever you’re talking about has already been covered. Poorly. Therefore, if you’re going to load up your marketing cannon with content, follow our guidelines for making blogs better than great. Take the time to ensure that it’s rocket fuel – not oatmeal.
Instead of chucking another recycled, lifeless blog post onto the pile, take the time to engage with your audience. See what your competitors say and find a new angle. Do some original research, even if it’s secondary research based on a web search. Maybe collect some data points for quick calculations to make your points.
Teach your prospects and buyers something useful about the market you serve, something that answers their questions or piques their interests. In an Internet full of lazy blog posts, a little effort goes a long way.
And when you’re done, don’t forget to amp it with your social sites.
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