The Future, Enormous Impact of IPv6 on Marketing
The networked world is about to get, well, even more networked. The biggest obstacle right now is that there’s not enough IP addresses left in the old addressing system, IPv4. Yes, world, we’re running out of addresses, so enter the new way – IPv6. So what does IPv6 mean to our lives and what’s the impact of IPv6 on marketing?
But first, let’s get it on the table – what exactly is IPv6?
IPv6 is a Longer Internet Address
In simple terms, the Internet is expanding the address directory. Currently, there are 4.3 billion IP (internet protocol) addresses on the Internet. For the whole world, there’s a unique address to connect 4.3 billion devices. It seems like a lot, but believe it or not, we’re running out. With IPv6, a new way to assign Web addresses, trillions and trillions will be able to connect.
The transition to the new addressing system is a marathon and not a sprint. It’s going to take some time before Internet service providers and companies that run their networks completely.
Next, where we are in IPv6 transition?
Much of the IPv6 Transition is Ahead
According to our recent research done in Spring 2012, nearly a quarter of large and only 5% of medium-sized enterprises have completed their IPv6 transition.
Furthermore, two-thirds of medium-sized and 48% of large enterprises have an IPv6 transition plan completed but not yet implemented. Almost 30% of both medium-sized and large enterprises either have or intend to create an IPv6 plan within the next year.
So we expect that we’re on pace for most companies to be able to accommodate the new address system by the end of the decade. Between now and then, we’ll see all kinds of changes.
Tops among them – more devices to connect to the Internet. Think of Apple iPads. Tablet computers open up new possibilities, change business processes, and how consumers connect. Now imagine the same type of functionality on a watch or your TV. Or your car or home security system.
More Devices, More Marketing Screens
With more devices, marketers will have new opportunities. Like mobility, for example. We’ll have more channels to reach consumers, to sell and to advertise to them. And yes, to deliver new services that we can’t even imagine yet. The impact of IPv6 on marketing will be enormous.
It’s certain to be an opportunity, but also a challenge. They’ll render mass markets a relic of the past and usher in the new era of niche marketing everywhere. Buckle up for an exciting future, marketers. Technology is about to change your world. The impact of IPv6 on marketing is about to be huge.
Want to know more about IPv6 transition? To find out where enterprises are in their IPv6 transition, check out http://t.co/y3NZ2y21.
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